header options

Header Styles

Publisher has 8 beautiful styles for header also 3 different layouts. To select one from header styles go to Publisher → Theme Options → Header; below image is what you see there:

Header styles in Publisher

In this section we just talk about header style and if you like, read more about header.

Now click on Header. Here you cane different styles for header.

8 header styles for Publisher

Select whether style you like and click Save Options. Read more about Header Layouts.

The general rule for adding Ads in different header styles is: when logo and main menu are side by side, there is no place for adding Ads (styles 5, 6 and 8). When the logo is at one side, one Ad could be added to the other side (styles 2 and 3). Finally when the logo is at the middle of header, two Ads could be added to both sides of logo (styles 1, 4 and 7).

Show Me How Different Header Styles Look

We select all styles one by one with Ads (if possible) so can see these header styles also their Ads location.


Header Options

What are Header Options?

Option panel described before but some items of that are more important, so we describe them in more details. Header is one of those important items, you can find it in Publisher → Theme Options → Header. You can see main categories of header options in below image.

header options in Publisher

Let’s Start With Header Options

In this and next sections we will describe different tabs of Header option panel. Now we start with header styles. Click on Header Style & Layout tab.

Header style settings in Publisher

1- Header Layout: Select a layout for your header between three options:

Boxed header: Maximum width of header is equal to maximum site size.

boxed header in Publisher

Full width header (boxed content): Content of header is boxed (like Boxed header) but if you have chosen a background-color or background-image for header, maximum width of background stretches to full width of viewport.

boxed content and stretched background of header in Publisher

Full width header (Stretched content): Maximum width of both the content and background are stretched to full width of viewport.

Stretched content and background of header in Publisher

2- Header Style: Select a style for your header. Currently 8 styles are available for header and there is a thumbnail for each of them.

The general rule for adding Ads in different header styles: When logo and main menu are side by side, there is no place for adding Ads (styles 5, 6 and 8). When the logo is at one side, one Ad could be added to the other side (styles 2 and 3). Finally when the logo is at the middle of header, two Ads could be added to both sides of the logo (styles 1, 4 and 7).

3- Main Menu Sticky: Enable or disable sticky effect for main menu. Also there is a Smart Sticky; sticky header hides when you scroll down and shows up when scroll up.

4- Show Search Box in Menu: Choose to show or hide search form in menu.

5- Live Search Box: With enabling this option, results of search load with Ajax and shown in header search box (results shown live as you are typing before even you press Search button or Enter button).

6- Show Shopping Cart Icon in Menu: Choose to show or hide shopping cart icon in menu.

7- Header Padding: Change bottom & top padding of header. These options do not work in Header styles 5, 6 & 8.