In order to get the most out of our support forum and improve user experience, we recommend you to read through our support policy.

Why We Provide Support?

Support is not compulsory for Envato authors, but we’re providing it for FREE as a gesture of goodwill so you can get the most out of our premium products.

Before Asking Question…

Before asking a question in the support forums:

  • Read product documentation. We always update docs with FAQ and answering them to accelerate your guidance through the product options.
  • Use the search feature in support forum to look up for possible similar questions. Gain your answer faster this way.
  • Make sure you are using the latest version of theme and recommended plugins
  • Disable third-party plugins and check on your problem again. Many problems are just a plugin conflict.

What We Support?

Support covers: setup, using features and general bugs/issues within our themes/plugins. If you require help with something out of this scope, such as on how to use default WordPress functionalities, then we’d likely redirect you to external articles or corresponding support forums instead.

We illustrate it as below; We support questions about:

  • Theme setup and getting started
  • Theme options
  • Bugs/issues within our themes/plugins

Also we are open to hear about your suggestions and feature requests. We make a list of users’ suggestions and select popular and good items, plus features we detect as necessary, for adding to future versions.

Customizations and 3rd Party Plugins

Support does not cover customizations, site optimization and 3rd party plugins unless explicitly stated in the item description or documentation.

We should point out specially some items which are not in our support scope:

  • Site optimization
  • Third-party plugins problem
  • Custom codes problem or any other customizations out of theme options
  • SEO inspect; We always work on theme SEO but we don’t provide support for investigating users SEO stuff individually
  • Host server configuration and problem
  • SSL implementation

However if you go through support forums, you will see we always try to answer all kinds of questions even way beyond our support scope.

Registered Domain

Our themes sale are managed by Envato and according to their policies each theme/license can be used for one product (site), read more about Themeforest license standards.

In Publisher you should use one license for one domain too. But we provide other options; with one Publisher license you can register:

  • One main domain
  • One development domain
  • Sub-domains or branches of your main domain

In the case of using one license on several domains, we keep this right preserved for BetterStudio to suspend user license and discard him/her from all communities.

Support Time

Please note that we always strive to answer your questions as soon as humanly possible, but sometimes we are not able to do that for whatever reason and we ask you to be patient during these times.

Support work time: 9:00 – 17:00 GMT+3

Thanks again for purchasing our themes/plugins, and see you in the support forum!