What is “Injection Locations”?

“Injection Location” is a place that you can select a page to show its content in the location and does’t need any changes in theme codes. You can use Visual Composer(WPBakery) to create an advanced block(s) in one page and injected it in a location.

“Injection Locations” Options

For injecting pages into locations go to Publisher → Theme Options → Injection Locations.

injection location options

Before injection, a page with proper content should be created. This page could be plain text, custom codes or created by page builder. For example we want to show latest photos of one Instagram account in “After Header Location”. First we should create a page by means of Visual Composer (WPBakery) and use “Instagram Image” block. For more information about page builder read:

Homepage Builder

How to Use content Blocks

Select the desired page for “After Header Location”.

select a page for injection

Now our pages look like this:

result of injection locationThis is an advanced feature that can adds any content in four different locations so easily.