What is Smart List?

The simplest method for showing lots of information in small and clean lists. Every item in this list has title, image and description. You can divide your long content into small ones and make visitors happy by brevity, legibility and also beautifulness! Publisher has 20 different styles for smart lists.

Smart List General Options

Most options of “Smart Lists Pack” is exclusive for every post but there are some general options too. Go to Better Studio → Smart Lists Pack

Smart Lists Pack general options

1- Default Smart Lists Style: Choose a default style for lists in all posts. You can override this style in each post.

2- Translation: You can translate words and phrases in plugin.

How to Create a Smart List

Smart list post is just alike a simple post. If you decide some time in future to not use smart list anymore, you will lose nothing and no need for any changes. Every item in smart list consists of 3 parts:

  • Title
  • Image
  • Description

For example you use H3 tag as title. Now wherever you use H3 tag in this post, automatically a new item starts in smart list.

create smart list

Above image shows two items in one smart list; below image shows the result.

a smart list

For harmony between items, select one size images. The key parameter is “title” which should have a defined tag. H3 is default tag but you can change it in option 3 in below image.

When you are writing a post, scroll down the post editor page to find Smart Lists Pack metabox.

create new smart list

1- Enable Smart List: Enable this item to use smart list for this post also necessary for seeing next options.

2- Smart List Style: Choose a style for smart list between 20 different styles. There are 3 different type of lists:

  • Slider: Showing lists as slider without refreshing page
  • Scroll: Showing lists in row in one page.
  • Static-pages: Refresh the page to show next list.

3- Title Tags: Select the tag that wraps the title of each Smart List item. New list is detected by this tag.

4- List Sorting: The “Smart Lists” puts a number on each item, select the counting method. Options are: ascending, descending.

5- Show Ads? You can show/hide all smart list ads for this post.