footer options

How to Add/Remove footer Social Icon

Publisher Footer Social Icon

You can see social networks icon in footer (look at below image). You can show/hide them also manage their location. Go to Publisher → Theme Options → Footer → Footer Social Icon.

Footer social icon management in Publisher

1- Show Footer Social Icons: Choose to show/hide social icons in footer.

2- Sort and Active Sites: Here you can select which icons you want to show and arrange their position just by drag and drop.

For customizing your social networks, go to Better Studio → Social Count.

Footer Instagram

What is Footer Instagram?

Select an Instagram page and Publisher shows the latest posts of the page. Footer Instagram shows these photos in beautiful and different styles in your website footer. We provided screenshots of different styles.

How Can I Use It?

Go to Publisher → Theme Options → Footer → Footer Instagram.

Setting up Footer Instagram in Publisher


1- Show Footer Instagram: Choose to show or hide Instagram in footer. Three styles available for it:

Style 1:

Footer Instagram style 1 in Publisher

Style 2: (images are not moving)

Footer Instagram style 2 in Publisher

Style 3: (it’s slider)

Footer Instagram style 3 in Publisher

2- Instagram Footer Username: Enter your Instagram user name. Image below shows where to find this name.
Find Instagram account name