If you have activated “Better Reviews” plugin, you can find “Better Reviews” meta box in your post editor page. Simply edit your post and scroll down to find this meta box. We describe each section in details.


style option in creating review

1- Enable Review: Enable review for this post.

2- Review Box Position: Choose position of review box. “Top” shows review box at the top of post content. So “Bottom” and “Top & Bottom” are self explanatory. There is another option, “Do Not Display”. Select it when you want to show review box somewhere else (like middle of post content). Now put [better-reviews] shortcode where you want to display review box.

Below options override what you selected in reviews option.

3- Review Box Style: Choose style of review box.

4- Rating Format: Choose how to show final score of review.

5- Visitors Rating: Enables users to give their score in review boxes.


Below image shows verdict fields in a simple review box.

example of verdict in reviews

In different styles, these items’ position might be different. And this is verdict option panel.

Verdict in create review

1- Heading: Optional title for review box.

2- Verdict: 1 or 2 word for overall verdict. Ex: Awesome

3- Verdict Description – Top: Verdict description at the top of criteria

4- Verdict Description – Bottom: Verdict description at the bottom of criteria


criteria in reviews

Visitors can find out at a glance at review criteria that which items are more emphasized in your review and what score you assign to each of them. You can create as many as criteria you want for a review.

1- Delete Criterion: Delete current criteria

2- Add Criterion: Add new criteria to the review box

“Overall Rating” shows the final score of all criteria which is arithmetic average of them.

Every criterion has several options:

Label: Label of criteria

Rating / 10 : Give a score from 0 to 10

Icon: Select an icon instead of stars in score. If in Style → Rating Format you have selected “Starts”, this icon takes place of “star” icon in review score.

Color: Highlight color of criteria score

Pros & Cons

pros and cons in review plugin

Pros and Cons options are exactly the same.

1- Pros Heading: Optional title for Pros (or Cons) section

2- Delete Advantage: Delete current pros (or cons)

3- Label: Write down the pros (or cons)

4- Add Advantage: Add new advantage (or disadvantage)


affiliate link for reviews post

Read more about affiliate link.

1- Description: Write a description for affiliate link. This might not be visible in some “Review Box Styles”

2- Button: Text in link’s button

3- Button Icon: Select an icon for showing next to button text

4- Link: Enter affiliate link