
Homepage Builder

Let’s say you selected a Homepage template as described in previous section, Pre-defined Homepage & Template, now you want to make changes into it. Publisher uses very powerful tool for this customization; Visual Composer is a well known premium plugin (costs $34) has various options and add-ons. Also Publisher has a long list of highly customizable widgets (add-on) for Visual Composer.

How Can I Build My Homepage Using Visual Composer(VC)?

We divide this large topic into small ones then handle them one by one:

  1.  How to edit Homepage
  2.  VC options
  3.  Edit Publisher Blocks and Listings

A. How to edit Homepage

1- When you are in the page click on Edit Page at top of the page

Edit homepage

2- Here you see VC handles page building originally by using Publisher Blocks and Listing

Visual Composer builds Publisher homepage

B. VC Options

You can read VC tutorials on its website or follow VC video tutorials  also searching in Google and YouTube will lead you to numerous results.

C. Edit Publisher Blocks and Listings

One of the sophisticated features of the VC is tons of add-ons for it. Many VC add-ons are available for buying at its website but Publisher provides you tenth of VC add-ons for free and highly customize-able.

Publisher provides you more than 80 add-ons free and highly customize-able.

We are going to explain this topic in an independence section Homepage Blocks, read these articles to learn how to create pages by Visual Composer.

VC for All Pages

Visual Composer is not just for homepage; it can be used for different pages. For activating VC in different pages, see below image.

Activate visual composer for all pagesIn step 3, select which pages you want to have Visual Composer activated in.

Pre-made Homepage & Templates

What is Page Template?

Page templates are a specific type of template file that can be applied to a specific page or groups of pages. Read more on WordPress about Why people use template files?

  • Page template is used to change the look and feel of a page.
  • A page template can be applied to a single page, a page section, or a class of pages.
  • If a page template has a template name, WordPress users editing the page have control over what template will be used to render the page.
Mostly people want different look, feel and functions at a specific page(s). WordPress let them create templates as many as they want.

It’s nice if you have fancy and sophisticated templates ready on your theme. You can use them directly or easily create a template yourself based on them. Publisher properly answers this demand and provides large number of pre-defined Template Pages.

Publisher has more than 200 page templates (in different pre-defined style) for Homepage and Contact Us pages.

How Can I Use Page Templates?

As mentioned, Publisher has more than 200 page templates. In every pre-defined style, you have more than 15 templates for homepage and 5 ones for contact form. Follow steps bellow for changing them.

1- In theme panel go to Publisher  → Template Pages, here you can see the list of all page templates for your current style.

Publisher page templates

2- Hover them to see Preview button, click on it to see how your page looks with this template.

Change Publisher page template

3- If you liked the look, click Install (see above image)

When you install a Homepage template, new template added to your pages. When you install Contact Us template, you create a new contact form, for further information read Contact Form documentation.


After installing page template, it is just added to your pages. You can find this new page in Pages → All Pages. For changing your homepage go to Settings → Reading now select new page in “Front Page”.

change front page in WP