content blocks options

Block Pagination & Slider

When you add a new content block as described in How to use content block?, a modal shows up with some tabs. Most of them are common between content blocks but there are exceptions like Slider content blocks. There is an option for showing more posts as slider in other blocks, so slider concept is some kind of common between all blocks. In this section we describe Pagination and Slider.

 We have “Slider” content block  and also “Slider pagination” for non-slider content blocks. Their options are similar.


Different type of content blocks pagination
Different type of content blocks pagination


When you use Ajax, new posts will be loaded in the same page without reloading the page. It saves time and increases performance. There are several paginations for Ajax content loading:

1- Next Prev buttons: Displaying a pair of simple buttons labeled Next and Prev. Click on them to load new content in the same page.

2- Load more button: The only different with the former is button. Here just one Load More button is displaying.

3- Load more button + infinity loading: Click the Load More button then scroll the page; the posts will load infinitely.

4- Infinity loading: Just scroll the page to load more content.


Slider content block pagination

By selecting slider pagination, new content will display as slider. We describe options in more detail.

1- Number of slides: How many slides you want to create and display.

Pay attention to number of selected posts. For example in Post Filter, you selected 4 posts by ID or selected a category which contains 4 posts, also each slider shows 4 posts; now there would be no slider show, because there are not enough posts for that.

2- Animation Speed: The time animation endures (in millisecond).

3- AutoPlay: If you set it off, changing slides is just possible by clicking next and previous buttons.

4- Slide Duration: The time every slide is displaying (in millisecond).

5- Display Dot Navigation: Show some dots on slider to notify which slider you are seeing.

6- Display Control Navigation: Show buttons for changing between sliders.

If you select “off” in option 3, and select “Don’t Show” for options 5 & 6, then switching between sliders in only possible by grabbing it and slide to right and left without any visual sign!


In simple mode, by loading new content, the page reloads too. It could be a little annoying and time consuming for visitors. By the way there are two options for that:

1- Simple Numbered Buttons: Shows an array of simple numbered buttons. Click on them, new content and new page will load.

2- Simple Next Previous Buttons: Show two buttons for loading newer and older posts.

When you select simple pagination, it navigates you to homepage archive, with a permalink like this It means, this page is archive page of all your posts. You may selected specific taxonomy for your content block but buttons navigate you to posts archive.

Slider Content Block

Slider tab for content blocks

If you select Slider content block you will see a tab labeled Slider. We describe its options.

1- Animation: Choose between two effect for changing slides: fade or slide.

2- Slideshow Speed: The time every slide is displaying (in millisecond).

3- Animation Speed: The time animation endures (in millisecond).

Other tabs in slider content block are the same as other content blocks.

Blocks Typography Setting

In theme panel you can easily manage typography of Publisher content blocks. Setting items are the same in all blocks typography but every block has its own panel.

In theme panel go to Publisher → Theme Options → Typography → Block & Listing Typography. Here you can see a list of all the blocks that have typography setting.

content blocks typography options

They all have the same options in three different parts:

  1. Heading
  2. Paragraph
  3. Divided

And options are:

  • Font Family: Select a font from existing ones or upload a custom font.
  • Font Weight
  • Font Character Set
  • Text Align
  • Text Transform
  • Font Size
  • Line Height
  • Letter Spacing
  • Color

If you don’t know what above options mean, read Typography Options. By changing above options, left hand-side text changes and shows you current typography.

Blocks Tabs

Multi Tabs

When you add a new content block as described in How to use content block?, a modal shows up with some tabs. One of them is Multi Tabs. Follow to know how to use multiple tabs this new content block.

Below image is an example of blocks tabs. When you select an option for multi tabs other than No Tab, one or more tabs appear on the header of the block. Keep reading, we describe it in more details.

This is how blocks tabs look like
This is how tabs look like

Categories as Tab:

Select categories as tab

1- Selected Categories as Tab: Select the category you want to display under the tab or select several categories by holding CTRL key (COMMAND in Mac). These categories have nothing to do with those selected in Posts Filter.

2- Tabs content type: When you select Differed Content, content of the tabs won’t be downloaded till the moment the visitor clicks on them. In this way the page loads faster because less content would be downloaded. There is a probability some of the visitors never click on these tabs, then why should they download the content?

However if you insist on downloading all the content by all visitors, select Preloaded Content.

Sub Categories as Tab:

Select sub categories as tab

When you select this, automatically sub-categories of primary category selected in the Posts Filter will be the tabs.

Taxonomies as Tab:

Select taxonomies as tab

You can select some taxonomies to show them as tabs. Enter custom taxonomies with “taxonomy:term_id” pattern also separate multiple taxonomies with commas. ( ex: genre:200,genre:212,writer:120 ). So you can use tags as a taxonomy for blocks tabs; enter it as “tag:99” which shows tag with ID 99. Read How to Find Post, Category or Tag ID.


1- When you want to show blocks tabs, “Heading” should be visible. See below image.

Show content block heading

2- If you select many tabs, some of them, depending on block width, go under “All” item.

Blocks Design

Design Options

When you add a new content block as described in How to Use Content Blocks?, a modal shows up with some tabs. One of them is Design options. Follow to know how to customize content blocks design.

Content blocks design

1- Show on Desktop: Show/hide this block on desktop computers.

2- Show on Tablet Portrait: Show/hide this block on Tablets Portrait.

3- Show on Phone: Show/hide this block on phones.

4- Custom CSS Class: If you want to define custom CSS rules for this block, you can assign a class to it then assign rules to this class in Publisher → Theme Options → Custom CSS. You can add as many as classes you want and separate them by spaces. Read more about Custom CSS.

5- Custom ID: If you want to define custom CSS rules for this block, you can assign an ID to it then assign rules to this ID in Publisher → Theme Options → Custom CSS. You can assign just one ID.

6- Override Listing Settings?: If you toggle this to on, you see block global settings previously described in Blocks Settings. Now in Blocks Design you can override global options for this specific block.

7- CSS box: Here is a very user friendly menu for customizing CSS options of this block. You can assign different CSS properties here; margin, border-width, padding, background, etc.

NOTE: When you select a border color, do not forget to select border width in left hand-side scheme.

Blocks Query Settings (Post Filter)

Post Filter

When you add a new content block as described in previous section, a modal shows up with some tabs. The most important one is Post Filter. Keep reading to know how to customize contents of this new block.

Post filter (query) options in Publisher blocks

1- Categories: Select categories or sub-categories you want to show (green check) or which ones you want to hide (red cross). If no category is marked, all of them will be considered as selected.

2- Tags: Select tags you want to show. Combination of tags and categories are allowed (rules describe in options number 14, 15 and 16 on this page)

3- Number of Posts: Select how many posts you want to show in this block. If the field left empty, automatically selects the number from WordPress Setting → Reading.

4- Post ID filter: If you want to show some specific posts in this block, enter post IDs here separated by commas (ex: 10,27,233). If you want to exclude some posts from this block, enter their IDs here with “-” (ex: -7,-16). To find IDs read How to Find Post, Category or Tag ID.

5- Offset posts: Start the count with an offset. If you have a block that shows 4 posts before this one, you can make it starts from the 5’th post (by using offset 4).

6- Only Posts With Featured Image? Select on then just posts with featured image show up.

7- Remove Sticky Posts? By enabling this, sticky posts wouldn’t be sticky anymore in this block. They just show in ordinary order.

8- Post Author ID filter: Enter IDs of authors you want to show their posts. Separate IDs by comma (ex: 10,27,233). Exclude one or some authors from this block by entering “-” before ID(s)  (ex: -7,-16).

9- Disable Duplicate Posts Removal: By enabling this option, duplicate posts removal feature will be disabled only for this block.

10- Time Filter: Select among posts published in specific period (Today Posts, Today + Yesterday Posts, This Week Posts, This Month Posts, This Year Posts).

11- Order: Select order of showing posts (Descending, Ascending)

12- Order By: Select a factor to order posts by. Options are: Published Date, Modified Date, Random, Number of Comments, TitlePopular, 7 Days Popular.

“Popular” and “7 Days Popular” are only available if you activated “Better Posts View” plugin. You don’t have this plugin? read Publisher Plugins.

Custom Post type and Taxonomy

13- Custom Post Type: Enter post type IDs separated by commas ( ex: book,movie,product ). With this option you can add, for example, WooCommerce products to your content block.

14- Custom Taxonomy: Enter custom taxonomies with “taxonomy:term_id” pattern, also you can separate multiple taxonomies with commas. ( ex: genre:200,genre:212,writer:120 ). “Category” & “Tag” are two taxonomies supported by default; if you have another taxonomies, enter their name with “term_id”. Finding “term_id” is similar to finding tags and categories IDs.

Query Conditions

15- Between Cats & Tags: Set a relation between tags and categories. If you choose And (both Cats & Tags) all Cats and Tags selected in options 1 & 2 should be included in the post. By choosing OR (One or more cat/tag), it’s enough for the post to just obey Cats rule (option 15) or Tags rule (option 16).

16- Between Cats: Set a relation between categories. If you choose And (All Cats) all Cats selected in option 1 should be included in the post. By choosing OR (One or more cat), it’s enough for the post to just include one of them.

17- Between Tags: Set a relation between tags. If you choose And (All Tags) all Tags selected in option 2 should be included in the post. By choosing OR (One or more tag), it’s enough for the post to just include one of them.

Blocks and Listings

What are Blocks and Listings?

Publisher uses Visual Composer(VC) plugin as page builder to build awesome pages. The most sophisticated feature of VC is its add-ons. Add-ons increase VC abilities and options. You can buy VC add-ons on its website but Publisher provides you 80+ add-ons for free. Publisher add-ons (i.e blocks and listings) cover large range of styles and functionalities and also are fully customizable.

How Can I Customize Blocks and Listings?

There is a general option panel for Block and Listing; when you change these options, you see the changes in every where that block or listing is using. There is another option for every single widget that you create with VC in your page. The latter could override the first. OK we divide this customization into two parts:

  1. General Options
  2. Specific Options

A. General Options of Publisher Blocks and Listings

For example when you want to make changes to all Modern Grid 1 block in your website, go to general options. Options differs here block to block or listing to listing but generally these are the options:

  • Title Length
  • Excerpt Length (Subtitle Length for some blocks)
  • Post format icon (Standard, Video, Gallery, Audio, Aside, Image, Quote, Status, Chat, Link)
  • Category Badge
  • Post Meta (Author, Date, Views, Shares, Comments, Review)

General options are described in details in Block Settings.

B. Specific Options of Publisher Blocks and Listings

For specific options of a content block in Publisher, read Homepage Blocks to know more about all specific options.